I Need your assistance.....

Hey there,

So, as you know I have been in a haze of late.  I have not posted very much lately, twice in September for cryin out loud. The lowest number to date.  Kinda lost my mojo, don’t think my content is really up to snuff, I think I am just over analyzing and so here I am, just writing….I will be rambling a bit, breaking off on tangents, forgive me while I find my place again….

The reason I started this dialogue initially was so that I could participate in the fantabulous handmade swaps that I saw were allover the blogesphere! Everytime that I would click on a lovely image or creation, in the top corner of the 
page was this giant icon bellowing to me “Create Blog”.  
I was like, NO, I have no idea what that is 
or how I would go about keeping such a beast alive. 

Next thing I new, I just had to join a handmade swap ‘A Vintage 4th of July Swap’ from  Heidi’s 'Foxgloves, Fabric and Folly' blog and one of the rules was that you had to have a blog, guess what I did next, that’s right, I clicked that button on the top right corner and my world changed forever! I really had no idea what I was getting myself into.  I am quite tech savvy so that part of the adventure was not really that scary.  Just played a bit, came up with a basic concept and direction, found a great background…boom…off to the races! 

I remember my first comment, then my first follow, I was on top of the world, complete strangers or stalkers were reading what I had to say! What was wrong with these people, did they have no life, why were they paying attention to me and this little blog!  I would comment and they would reciprocate by commenting in return, we developed a little dialogue and I felt as though I knew these cyber friends as well as I knew my friends in real life, only, they were nicer, gentler somehow, I think because we all GOT each other! None of the what the heck are you doing, what is a blog, what a waste of time, what the heck have you got to talk about….omg such support, but I soldiered along and boy am I thankful that I did.

I have discovered the most supportive and all inclusive community of like minded people.  I am giddy with excitement because I get to meet a lot of them on Thursday, when we all get together in Toronto for the 2nd annual BlissdomCanada Conference at the Hilton Toronto.

BlissdomCanada 2010 Panels

Can you imagine 300 like minded people all soaking up the knowledge and excitement from one another, this energy is infectious, I know it will be because I am coming down from another conference that connected 200 Digital Women in Canada September 29-30. The attendees were fabulous, the Brands were amazing, an experience I will not soon forget!

ShesConnected Conference 2011

Get this, you had to be invited to attend this conference run by ShesConnected, a social networking site for busy women, they invited me, what the what!! I had to apply and possibly as soon as I connected with the sponsors they called me, who knows what the criteria consisted of. Anyway, I attended, I absorbed, I met brands, I met bloggers, and moms and just a fantastic circle of lovelies and I am humbled to have had the opportunity to be part of this excitement. 

All because I wanted to make some crafty items and send them to the USA so that my swap partner could send me some goodies….who knew of the possiblities.  
If I’d only known then what I know now….booyah!!!

BlissdomCanada Karaoke Attendees 2010

Anyway, I know it is too late to make a long story short, 
I need a costume for this Soiree on the Saturday evening,
 there is a Karaoke Costume Party.  
I would like something fairly easy to concoct, 
not to young (skanky), comfy, 
yet recognizable without a lot of explanation! 
I can take care of 
the Friday Red Carpet party, but this...no way

Come on guys, I know you have ideas, 
you are awesome, you are creative….HELP ME!!!!

Tell me your costume ideas, all of them, you never know!!

Thanks for your support, 
thanks for letting me go on and on and on, 
love you guys

xOxO Nerina


  1. Hello Nerina,

    Wow! I had no idea about this event...or this organization...

    Do you wear masks or head pieces? :o)
    If you do...I might be able to help you.


  2. Nerina, wasn't last night's party a blast? and the whole conference too??? I'll bet you have a ton of stuff to blog about now. Great meeting you--always nice to know people who appreciate fab shoes!

  3. I was hoping to run into you at Blissdom! It wasn't until I followed you on Twitter that I realized that I sat right across from you at one of the meals. Doh:) oh well... Next year!

  4. Hello my lovely.. it was great meeting you at blissdom! I knew as soon as you crammed your butt into our Orlando you would fit right in ;)


  5. Oh sounds like you all had fun! Blogging is amazing and the people involved are just wonderful.

    Thank you so much for coming by and taking time to leave me a note. I hope all is going great with you and yours and thank you so much for your lovely words. It's good to keep evolving not just in blogging but life.
    hugs DJ


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