
The best day of the week

So much to be thankful for

So much to look forward to





How were you able

to rebuild this weekend?


Peace & Hugs


  1. Lovely post and beautiful thoughts. I'm afraid I didn't unwind too much this weekend but I'm enjoying myself at this very minute by blog hopping and visiting beautiful blogs, like yours.


  2. Happy Thanksgiving Nerina...
    I guess a little late for you, but better late than never, right? What a beautiful share today.

    Relaxing, I did a little of that, and reading, well I read the Sunday paper, I guess that would count, and rejuvenating, yes I did some crafting. I am working on a special gift right now. I can't wait to share it with all once I get it finished and to its destination. What a labor of love this one has been.

    I can hardly believe that Christmas is around the corner. I have a little of my shopping done, but have a few more things to purchase before completing for the season. Have two of my trees up, but have a few more to go.

    Have a glorious week sweet friend. I am so thrilled to see you out and about again. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  3. So nice to hear from you again Nerina.
    It's been a very relaxing weekend, except that I had so many comments, it's taken me hours to reply to everyone. I shouldn't complain right?
    Are you going to start blogging again? I hope so.
    Yes we truly NEED to get together. Let's plan for spring ok? That would be great. T.O. here we come.


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