Thankful Thursday....

I don't know when it happens

Is it a major event

or something seemly insignificant

that makes us finally wake up

and realize 

how truly blessed we are 

We all have our issues
our challenges
our loves lost
our loves found
our trial
and tribulations


we all come to a point

when we just



think to ourselves


how did I get so lucky

fabulous family
that would do anything for you

terrific friends
who will make you laugh
when all you want to do is cry

those little pleasures
that fill your heart

pastimes that bring you joy

You wake up each morning

filled with the gusto and gumption

to spread your new found

gratitude with others

I think I am there

Thanks for playing such a

pivotal role in helping 

me find that sweet spot


Sharing Your Joys with Me

I am Truly Grateful


Tell me
What are you Thankful for today...


Peace Love and



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