Earth Day 2010


A better future

for our children


our children's children

If we would all make

just one personal commitment

to sustainabilty

it would boost our community

to build a healthy


clean energy economy



for the future

What will you be doing

to help preserve

'OUR' Earth

Take Action
Think Green

xOxO Nerina


  1. I 'green' as much as i can!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):) that is a great photo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Julie is right: it's a great photo! Years ago I worked for Earth Day Chicago. It was, of course, a year 'round job culminating in a big celebration on 22 April each year. It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot about sustainable practices. It's too bad more people can't practice the little things that can make a huge difference more than just the one day a year. Oh well, I'll just keep doing my part and hopefully others will, too.

    Happy Earth Day to you, Miss Nerina


    P.S. Loved the magazine!!! I read and savored it slowly. Thanks again!

  3. Hi Nerina, thanks for posting about Earth Day... I am surprised that most people don't even acknowledge it! I have made it a priority since it began in 1970... wishing you a beautiful day... xoxo Julie Marie

  4. Would you believe I know people who refuse to recycle, and I just don't get it. I recycle everything - junk mail, food boxes, you name it, I recycle it! Hope you are doing great! xoxo


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